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TEOMCROTE = TEOTWAWKI on steroids! The End Of Mankind's Current Reign Over The Earth takes into account that our ancestors were neither suicidal, stupid, nor our genetic inferiors but still wound up getting wiped off the Earth. Whereas CSER [ Centre for Study of Existential Risk] tries to PREVENT this dispensation from coming to an end, TEOMCROTE works from the eventuality/possibility/probability that the end our age takes place and what to do then       Sign up (learn about it) | Sign in (lost password?)

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Location: Morocco
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alternative theories/principles etc.

John Searl TV interview

See post on Keshe and energy from gravitational understanding.

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 12/18/2011, 5:36 pm

6/23/2011, 11:09 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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Location: Morocco
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orgone & orgonite

Orgonite against phone effects
Orgonite helps against the negative energies that emit from cell phones. When you have a cell phone on, your aura is compromised and can be smaller, rougher, and generally weaker. Cell phones also subvert the connection between the right and left hemisphere of the brain, making us either too cerebral or too emotional in dealing with things, because we can't balance the logic [left side of the brain] and feelings [right side] that come into any issue. There's no way to be 'centered' when one is stuck in one hemisphere of the brain.

Orgone energy is about trapping metal in fiberglass resin so it's constantly under stress and emitting an energy that is apparently positive and will either transform or repulse negative energies.

Often people who make orgonite also put crytals into the resin. Any kind can be used but specifically for cell phone eminations the selenite selenite crystal is effective. So for making an orgonite protective amulet against cell phone radiation, one might consider using some selenite as well.

How to make an Orgone Accumulator for improved health and energy
Dr Wilhelm Reich (1897 - 1957) worked with life force energy throughout his lifetime. What others have called chi, prana, or cosmic energy, Reich named orgone energy. Orgone, from orgasm, was first observed while studying the bio-electric nature of pleasure using a galvanometer. Reich wrote that this energy is blue, visible to the naked eye, and responsible for weather patterns, gravity, the birth of galaxies, emotion and sexuality. He argued that orgone energy was the opposite of entropy and as such was responsible for concentration and organization of matter.
Reich believed that traumatic experiences blocked the natural electrical flow of life energy in the body; this produced body armoring and in turn led to physical and emotional disease. Reich developed the orgone accumulator to help his patients overcome conditions of reduced health caused by depletion or blockages of the orgone energy within the body. When the press got wind of the story, they reported Reich involved in producing sex boxes, which caused uncontrollable erections and cured cancer! In 1947 the FDA obtained an injunction against the interstate sale of orgone accumulators and Reich was charged with a violation. He was sentenced to two years in prison; his publications were burned; and he died in jail a year later (a few days before his parole application) of heart failure.
follow link to read the rest

Last edited by TheDoctorIsInTheHouse, 10/29/2013, 8:53 pm

4/3/2013, 9:08 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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Location: Morocco
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simpler is often better

in researching technologies to save for future applications, i've come across this fundamental principle which shapes much of Western culture and industrialization: obsession with efficiency leads to dependence.

That is a liberating principle to realize. As Dan Nocera pointed out so clearly in his presentation, if you let go of efficiency, you allow for independence; his idea for producing hydrogen at home is 10 times less efficient than the very expensive machines used for producing hydrogen today. However, by allowing people to make their own, the ultimate gain is much greater.

This has helped make the principle clear to me that when researching possible technlogies for a post-2012 civilization, we needn't get stuck on the most efficient or technologically advanced options. Ultimately, actually, society and mankind will be best served by the options that can be applied small-scale; both in the long and short run.

Sources like Wikipedia are useful but often focus on the most modern and technlogically sophisticated techniques. One has to dig deeper to reach the underlying history of technological development but THAT is what often gives the most feasible results.

4/3/2013, 9:10 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog

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