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TEOMCROTE = TEOTWAWKI on steroids! The End Of Mankind's Current Reign Over The Earth takes into account that our ancestors were neither suicidal, stupid, nor our genetic inferiors but still wound up getting wiped off the Earth. Whereas CSER [ Centre for Study of Existential Risk] tries to PREVENT this dispensation from coming to an end, TEOMCROTE works from the eventuality/possibility/probability that the end our age takes place and what to do then       Sign up (learn about it) | Sign in (lost password?)

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radiation foods

in reaction to the Fukushima meltdown and radioactive clouds reaching the USA, people are talking about how to protect against radiation poisoning.
In a podcast on his website David Wolfe suggests to consume the following:
- kelp [seaweed]
- ashwaganda [helps thyroid deal with stress]
- ginseng
- chlorella [40 x more chlorofyll than wheatgrass juice]
- zeolites
- fulvic acid
- Lugol's iodine
- (good) seasalt
- reishi mushroom

Last edited by TheDoctorIsInTheHouse, 5/28/2013, 11:49 am

6/24/2011, 7:03 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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fish oil

Fish Oil & Ionizing Radiation
Atom Bergstrom has a lot of knowledge based on the research that's been lost through what he calls "medical amnesia", the destruction of research carried out before the '50s.
Anyway, he has lots of really really cool stuff and posts almost daily at oneradionetwork. This was on radiation and fish oil:
The current buzz in science magazines is about krill oil decreasing the liver’s lipogenesis – the metabolic formation of fat – more effectively than fish oil … but only for 6 weeks.
Scientists don’t know why the effect “times out” … because they have medical amnesia.
Over 60 years ago, Emanuel Revici, M.D., described the ADRENAL DEFENSE MECHANISM that counteracts fatty acids.
According to him (Research in Physiopathology As Basis of Guided Chemotherapy: With Special Application to Cancer, 1961) …
“With small amounts of radiation separated by long intervals, the intervention of the adrenals, as long as they function normally, can overcome the effects of the fatty acids [both the abnormal ones created by the radiation itself and/or the fatty acids used as supplements]. With higher doses applied more often, the fate of the irradiated individual depends on whatever antagonistic factor predominates. With high doses or with a relative adrenal insufficiency, the direct effect of the abnormal fatty acids can become prominent. In that case, the type D offbalance will be more pronounced. It is in such offbalance that subjects die from too intensive radiation. These factors can be of major significance in the intervention against accidental radiation as well as in guiding the therapeutic use of radiation.”
Moral of the story: AVOID fish oil, krill oil, cod liver oil, etc. when exposed to radiation.

Important to understand with this post is that adrenal fatigue is a real problem that people deal with nowadays. It comes from bad nutrition and stress, something most people suffer from. Adrenal fatigue results in irratability, for instance, not allowing a person the emotional quiet to deal with day-to-day challenges.
Liver obstruction has similar effects but a liver cleanse is quickly achieved; the adrenals take a long time to recover and recovery of adrenal health should start TODAY!!!
Atom Bergstrom says eating the right foods at the right time will keep radiation effects away

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 3/7/2012, 1:19 pm

6/24/2011, 7:10 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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radiation cleanser

Diatomaceous Earth supposedly kills parasites AND absorbs radiation.

Also Bentonite Clay. Daniel Vitalis on the necessity of clay in the daily diet

According to herbalist Truman Berst [about 46 minutes into the podcast] one should cleanse with this products once a year, but for 3 months at a time.

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 2/9/2012, 9:21 am

11/29/2011, 4:52 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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In this podcast the benefits and qualities of a very special blend of algae are discussed, Bioage Micro Algae. Supposedly the specific choice of 4 strains of algae offers far superior protection and detox than any algae alone. Gram for gram this makes it more efficient, affordable, and potent. Also protects against radioactivity.

2/5/2012, 4:26 pm Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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according to Atom Bergstrom, watermelon seeds contain barium that will protect you against radioactive barium. I guess that's like good iodine will protect you from radioactive.

Eat them at 15:00 [sundial time] (see chronobiotics).

Barium is toxic. Despite the claim that barium enemas are harmless, people die every year from barium poisoning after having one.
There is supposedly especially aluminum [a very dangerous neural toxin] and barium salt coming down from chemtrails.

Last edited by TheDoctorIsInTheHouse, 5/28/2013, 11:58 am

2/8/2012, 8:37 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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fermented foods

He mentions as a good source of independent research and data on radiation issues. The interviews with Dr. Apsley should be considered essential (for the next 30 years or so). We are all already dealing with pretty intense radiation and might be dealing with even much more extreme radiation come TEOTWAWKI. Best to start preparing (seriously) now.

According to John Apsley in a OneRadioNetwork podcast, there were 2 hospitals at the same distance from ground zero at Nagasaki and Hiroshima; at one hospital everyone died; at the other everyone lived. At the hospital where everyone lived there was a doctor that recommended that everyone eat fermented foods all day. To place this in it's proper context, one must understand that the Japanese traditionally ate many fermented foods (so getting good, living fermented foods in Japan wasn't a problem at all).
In Sandor Katz's book Wild Fermentation he writes:
One specific health benefit of miso is the protection it provides against exposure to radiation and heavy metals. The research that verified this was conducted in Japan in the wake of the nuclear bombings [...] and grew out of the observations of a Nagasaki physician, Dr. Shinichoro Akizuki. He was out of town the day of the bombing and the hospital where he worked was destroyed. He returned to treat survivors. He and his staff ate miso soup together every day and never experienced any radiation sickness, despite their proximity to the fallout.
Dr. Akizuki's anecdotal account of this experience led to the finding that miso contains an alkaloid called dipicolinic acid that binds with heavy metals and carries them out of the body.

4/3/2012, 10:55 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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foods to be avoided

Radioactive tuna considered safe

Atom Bergstrom says eating the right foods at the right time will keep radiation effects away
According to Atom Bergstrom:
"Avoid (most) GOITROGENS. A goitrogen is technically a radiosensitizer.

Some examples: cabbage, sauerkraut, broccoli, broccolini, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, bok choy, Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprout, collard greens, mustard greens, turnip, rutabaga, radish, horseradish, canola oil, pine nut, pear, peach, soybean products (including tofu), millet, spinach, strawberry, peanut, parsley, sweet potato, cassava, bamboo shoot
6/10/2012, 6:56 am Link to this post Send Email to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse   Send PM to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse Blog
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Organic Sulfur
Robert Von also mentions organic sulfur as a key component in protection against radiation poisoning. Order from him or from the above supplier.

Vitamin C proven to help protect Fukushima victims from radiation poisoning, cancer
Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa, M.D., Ph.D., from the Japanese College of IV Therapy recently conducted a study which found that Fukushima workers who underwent a high-dose vitamin C pretreatment prior to handling radioactive debris during cleanup efforts were protected against DNA damage and cancer.

After taking blood samples from all the men and evaluating them for whole blood count and chemistry, as well as for plasma levels of free DNA and 47 cancer-related gene expressions, Dr. Yanagisawa and his team found that those who received the vitamin C therapy experienced no increase in cancer risk or change in free DNA. Those who did not receive the treatment, on the other hand, had significantly increased cancer risk.
follow link to read the rest

David Wolfe mentions that ORMUS against (radioactive) halogens like iodine.
10/1/2012, 8:34 am Link to this post Send Email to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse   Send PM to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse Blog
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I've been hearing more and more about glutathione in relation to radiation. What is it, where do you find it?

The makers of One World Whey say their whey is the only one that offers the glutathione neccesary, because they're careful to keep it raw. Heating the proteins destroys the elements you need (so eating other whey is worthless).
When you make cheese, the liquid you're left with is whey. The milk you use for the cheese making, however, needs to be raw and come from grassfed cows. (Ideally, the grass will have been fertilized with seasalt.)
This stuff is about € 70 per month. (On the other hand, it's nutrition so you'll be able to cut back on other foods.)

Apparently, there are microbes that even live inside nuclear reactors due to their ability to produce their own glutathione.
Glutathione, therefore, seems to be about protection against the dangerous radioactive elements for which there is no other protection. Most radioactive threat comes from radioactive iodine but all the iodine in the world won't protect you against radioactive cesium etc.
On the other hand, radioactive particles other than iodine don't tend to travel very far from the source of contamination through the air. They do move through the Earth's oceans and therefore come up in fish.

Last edited by TheDoctorIsInTheHouse, 5/28/2013, 11:31 am
5/28/2013, 11:30 am Link to this post Send Email to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse   Send PM to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse Blog
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people at Hiroshima who survived were eating kelp and drinking rosemary tea according to this radio show i heard (

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 1/23/2014, 6:33 am

1/23/2014, 6:30 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog

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