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TEOMCROTE = TEOTWAWKI on steroids! The End Of Mankind's Current Reign Over The Earth takes into account that our ancestors were neither suicidal, stupid, nor our genetic inferiors but still wound up getting wiped off the Earth. Whereas CSER [ Centre for Study of Existential Risk] tries to PREVENT this dispensation from coming to an end, TEOMCROTE works from the eventuality/possibility/probability that the end our age takes place and what to do then       Sign up (learn about it) | Sign in (lost password?)

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comets / Planet X / Nibiru

RE: Comet Elenin and the Pole Shift Theory; 3/15/2011 and Beyond
First of all, the whole idea of a comet hitting the Earth is probably imaginary, for a number of reasons. The main reason is that objects passing through space would acquire a negative charge and because the Earth also has a negative charge, such objects would be repulsed away as a matter of course. As far as the theory of a comet killing off the dinosaurs goes, that's also most likely bogus and other great holes on the Earth also likely produced by bombs rather than comets [you'll find that the growing Earth theory covers the death of the dinosaurs and another crater, in India, is STILL radioactive; Sodom and Gomorra were also the result of a nuclear attack and now lie at the bottom of the Dead Sea].
Secondly, common sense suggests that, since 50 asteroids enter our atmosphere each day, if asteroids were a threat at all, life on Earth would never have been able to evolve as it did.
Thirdly, this kind of bogus warnings, supposedly from people in high places who are supposedly willing and trying to get some secret out, are a dime a dozen.

I've learned to filter the bogus, imaginary, and fear-based; science, ancient records, and independent research speak of this 2012 event, but any- and everything else should be ignored. The 2012 event is unique but predictions, channeled information, and fantasy are of all ages.
The only thing that's really happening is the galactic superwave coming, possibly in conjunction with a galactic alignment [though that's the most dodgy theory in my reckoning], making the Sun super active, ultimately leading to a magnetic reversal of solar system and planet, which will lead to the Earth changing the direction in which it turns and the resultant global tsunamis, nuclear winter, and ice age. THAT is all part of the same 11,500 year destructive cycle and earth changes now have to do with the weakening of the magnetosphere already [inherently connected to the ice age/rotational shift]; that's complicated enough and there's absolutely no reason or need to add anything to it... ;-)

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 9/7/2014, 3:48 am
3/31/2011, 10:05 pm Link to this post Send Email to Bronvanzin   Send PM to Bronvanzin Blog
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electric comets

one can see/listen to this YouTube video on the NASA data and more intelligent considerations,
then there's this long talk on YouTube that really goes deeply into the research and reasoning behind the true nature of comets, based on commonly accepted data.

4/17/2011, 6:41 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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the electromagnetic shield

Gabriel Cousens explains in an article already quoted on this forum, that our electromagnetic shield has already weakened about 80% in the last 4000 years.
Robert Felix suggests that it will likely collapse entirely when it hits 15% and then the polarities will reverse.

At the time of collapse, our planet will quite possibly attract (negatively charged) asteroids and such that it would otherwise repel. Considering the above pic, there will temporarily be a state of magnetic fluidity, an electromagnetic chaos of sorts. The some 50 asteroids that daily come through our planet's electromagnetic shield might then suddenly be much larger or more plentiful; it's still bloody unlikely that one will hit you on the head but it's interesting stuff for the unprepared.
4/28/2011, 8:55 am Link to this post Send Email to Bronvanzin   Send PM to Bronvanzin Blog
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Terral03 on the ELE Dwarf Star

ELE Dwarf Star YouTube vid

warf+Star#p393163" rbtag2="rb-qdecode-href-en">accompanying 2012FORUM link

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 7/23/2011, 6:02 am

7/14/2011, 9:04 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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I sent TerralO3 a message

OffTheGridNews said someone was looking for preppers for some documentary and i contacted whom they referred to. This person mentioned that TerralO3 appeared to be serious about preparing for TEOTWAWKI and i looked into his work.
The Elenin stuff Terral's talking about, however, only reminded me of where i was at in researching Nibiru [/elenin] starting Feb of 2008 and his EOTWAWKI thinking reminded me of how i was dealing with a possible Nostrodamus prediction i once feared and prepared against.

I understand how and why Terral's stuck and i've been following his YouTube posts. Lately, however, he's been on this 'christian' tangent which ALSO just reminds me of research i was doing 10 years ago [about the same time i was doing my Nostrodamus thing and was member of the Mormon church]. I also learned much more about spirituality after that period in my life, finally getting around to studying Adi Da. And in the last couple of years, i learned about other-dimensional intelligence and their role in mankind's troubles, things that lie at the root of mainstream AND alternative ideas about spirituality (but commonly misunderstood).

Anyway, i like Terral's approach and he's very vocal so i bothered to share my story with him. I just sent him a message via YouTube. It's unlikely he'll respond... We can all just reach out, i guess. I feel the need to share, whether people appear to be listening or no.
Anyway, this is what i sent:

i can't add a response to a clip but it's not my meaning to bash you publicly anyway.
I've been following your posts because i see you're going through the very same thing i've gone through in the past, talking about Nibiru, TEOTWAWKI, and the Bible as well.

If you allow me a few minutes, i'll explain what i experienced and learned on my path.

I started studying Nibiru beginning 2008 after reading The 12th Planet.
I learned from Alan Alford that Nibiru's orbit is 2148 to 2160 years, not 3600. 3600 is just the index number because Sumerian math is based on certain numbers.
So every 4300 years, about, Nibiru comes close to the Earth and creates some problems. True. But not TEOTWAWKI.

Don't get me wrong: you're right to be preparing for a collapse of the grid, but you must realize that what's to follow is much worse and you need to be preparing for that now (!) BECAUSE of the damage that the passing of Nibiru will likely cause.
By that i mean simply that you need the information and resources you can acquire through the internet WHILE THE INTERNET IS STILL AROUND.

You will, btw, possibly survive Nibiru's passing in the Americas if you can stay away from FEMA [the EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT of the FEDERATION by this AGENCY and not an agency by the federation that's about emergency management (of crises: you see it's not even in the name)]
You will not survive 2012, the true TEOTWAWKI event, in the Americas. Previous generations of man didn't. Our genes go back millions of years but even if the Anunnaki really created us and we only go back 100,000, the reason we were in the Stone Age 12,000 years ago is because we didn't do well during the LAST end-of-the-world event, which comes by every 11,500 years.

You see, Nibiru DOES come by every so often and DOES create problems, but there are larger cycles at work, more destructive cycles. Unfortunately, you're still allowing yourself to be distracted by this smaller [well, it's all relative] cycle of destruction. You KNOW that Nibiru WON'T create TEOTWAWKI. It makes no sense. Mankind would pick itself up from that. It WON'T pick itself up from 2012 and we WILL be thrown back into a Stone Age again.

I am the bringer of bad news: what you're talking about, it's not only just the beginning, it pales to what's actually coming.

I also have good news: it CAN be survived and prepared against.

Unfortunately, i then again have bad news: you are hopelessly unprepared to prepare for THAT event...
If you allow me, i will elaborate on that. You seem like an active survival spirit and i hate to see you wasting your efforts by limiting them when you clearly appear to be one of those people who get going when the going gets tough. You would, however, then need get clear on actually HOW tough the going's going to get, and you don't appear to be at all.

According to the independent research and science of men like Patrick Geryl, Robert Felix, Paul LaViolette, Graham Hancoc k and others,, every 11,500 years the Earth starts spinning in the opposite direction.
You need to get and accept this: Nibiru IS NOT going to cause this. The 2012 date has been predicted because the science about this has been known for a long time and handed down through the ages.
Again: yes, Nibiru's a problem. I agree with you on that.

When the planet starts spinning in the opposite direction this will cause 2 km high tsunamis, 500 to 1000mph winds, and mega earthquakes. Not a single part of our civilization will survive that. Why? Because our information is so fragmented. Do you know how to smelt iron? No [likely]. You need to, however.

2012 is about a total reboot of society and a possible establishment of civilization (i.e. not REestablishment: what we have now is sophisticated barbarism).
You need to order seeds and seedlings NOW. You need to acquire basic civilization knowledge NOW. Your window of opportunity is closing on this. When the internet is gone, anything like that will take vast resources to accomplish.

I won't get into the Bible. I'm sure you BELIEVE certain things and feel comfortable with your idea that you already have certain knowledge and understanding... I promise you though: the same applies: you're just getting started. The ESSENCE of good vs evil, of this i've heard you mention NOTHING. I could explain it if you were interested in listening. I'd be glad to but let's face it: if you get beyond this elenin stuff, that'd probably be a miracle in itself.

Feel free to use what knowledge i've already put together on my own and put online at
And you should look into the complilations of real 2012 scientific researchers's works on my YouTube channel.

Again, i respect what you're going through and i didn't like learning that there was much more to it than that either. Who would? Our ancestors, however, didn't get thrown back into the Stone Age for nothing. You will not survive 2012 on a continent. You need to set the bar much higher or you will have thrown your window of opportunity for dealing with what's coming in a year and a half (and surviving September 2011 will have become moot).

I am accessible if you would learn more.

The S.E.E.D.


You are preaching to the choir. I fully understand that the threats beyond the ELEnin events are GIANT and very difficult to neutralize. In fact, my view is that those assembling together in small groups will have very little chance of survival. All I can do is give out the warnings. People heed or they do not. It is what it is ...

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 8/16/2011, 4:39 pm

8/14/2011, 8:23 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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Alan Alford: Nibiru's cycle isn't 3600 but 2148 years

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I like hard science. I'm weird that way. And the only reason i'm taking this 2012 stuff seriously is because of supposed sitings of Nibiru. Basically, i'm only taking the Nibiru sitings seriously because of Sitchin's research on the more than 50,000 clay tablets they found in Iraq. There's one problem with that: according to Sitchin it'll take at least another 70 years for Nibiru to come by. While looking into this stuff, however, i soon ran into Alan Alford's theory that Nibiru's cycle isn't 3600 years at all. Sumerian math is not like our decimal math and needs to be translated. According to Alford 3600 should be read as 2160. Taken with some other clues found in the Sumerian texts and cosmology, this should then be seen as 2148. And in this way we DO end up with Nibiru coming again in 2012. Neat and yet scientific. I like it.

Alan Alford published a number of books, one of which, Gods of the New Millennium, goes into this. He argues that we should start counting from 10,983 BC, subtract 2148 years for every passing of Nibiru, then subtract an additional 107.4 years as a correction for when the precession actually started. You end up in the year 2012... I'll be honest. I haven't read the book yet and i don't get how Alford first calculates that the passage of Nibiru that ended the last ice age was in 10,983 but then adds the 107.4 years later. How did he then come by the date 10,983 in the first place?

Because Sitchin sticks to his 3600 years he has never connected the Sumerian culture and the Anunnaki to 2012. Alford bridges that gap. As anybody who's read Sitchin knows, the destruction only takes place every other time Nibiru passes, so the last time the sh*t hit the fan would've been around 2284BC.
We know one thing for sure: all modern cultures have their roots AFTER this date. Even the Chinese started from scratch around this period. Where are the cultures that started thousands of years earlier? (Let alone the cultures that started tens or hundreds of thousands of years earlier...) Apparently there's even climatological evidence that something big happened around 2200 BC. Something about sand deposits through the years. [my source was unfortunately in Dutch.]

What kind of number is 3600 anyway? Isn't it some kind of unimaginable coincidence that some planet or brown dwarf is circling our Sun and takes exactly 3600 Earth rotations to do so? A cycle consisting of 2148 years sounds more convincing. 3600 is just too round, too perfect.

Common sense demands we look into WHY our civilisation only goes back a few thousand years. Either mankind evolved and must have been around hundreds of thousands or millions of years [there are archaeological finds that suggest civilisation billions of years ago] or we accept we are the product of genetic engineering and we've been here 40,000 years or a bit longer. Either way, why does civilisation only reach back a few thousand years? Mass suicide? Get real! There must be a very good friggin reason for everybody to have gone packing. WHERE ARE THEY!? This is a very realistic question. There must be an answer to the riddle why mankind is still [/again] in technological infancy. So for me looking into things like Nibiru seems to make sense and ignoring it suicidal. Others have died. Apparently whole global civilisations have died. If the answer to this riddle comes from a civilisation 6000 years ago that speaks of aliens, so be it. If that civilisation says there's a Nibiru out there coming around again, so be it. Common sense demands an answer. Now hard science and logic are supplying it.
To me the combined research of Sitchin and Alford supply the only good reasoning for a 2012 disaster. But there it is. We only need one.
I ordered Alford's book. When i've read it i may get back to this.

article on this i published on my blog: 10,876 BC...6,580 BC...2,284 BC...2012 AD... Now It's Our Turn

follow-up post

I got my copy of Gods of the New Millennium by Alan Alford and am reading through the parts that talk about chronology first. Alford explains that while Sitchin laid down important ground work on which he builds [he also refers to Sitchin's efforts as being a monumental task] Sitchin made some mistakes when it came to the translation of ages/years as found on the Sumerian tablets, because when the Sumerian numbers are read in a Sumerian way the chronological pieces of the puzzle all come together.

page 382

"Whether we use 2123 BC for the date of Abraham's birth or any other commonly accepted date, these numbers simply do not stack up, for they suggest that the Flood took place in 2415 BC and that man was created in 4071 BC. [...]
Zecharia Sitchin suspected that the ages of the early patiarchs may have been reduced by a factor of 60. I adjusted for this, but the figures still did not reconcile. [...] I began to work on a theory that the Biblical data had been drawn from earlier Sumerian sources, and that somewhere along the editorial line, someone had misunderstod the Sumerians' unusual sexagesimal (base 60) system. As i experimented with the Sumerian sexagesimal system, i made the breakthrough that was to solve all of the chronological problems.[...] Whilst the Sumerian system might seem a little strange at first, it is ideal for geometry and calculation with fractions. It has also been found to match the celestial heavens, both in its use of 3600, the orbital period of Nibiru, and in the manifestation of the precessional cycle. To quickly illustrate, as the units alternate above 3600 we see: 36000... 216000... 2160000... 12960000. The last number, which was highly symbolic to the Sumerians, represented exactly 500 great precessional cycles of 25920 years. The preceding units represented 100 and 1000 multiplied by the precessional period of 2160 years.
If that seems like a miracle, then here is the really magic part. If we write the precessional number 2160 in Sumerian numerals, this is what we get:
UNITS: 3600....600....60....10....1
These two numbers, 3600 and 2160, represented the two important cycles of the gods. One was the orbital period of their planet, which in practice meant a ceremonial visit from the leader Anu, and an opportunity to transfer resources between the planets. The other determined the rotation of the Lordship over the gods on Earth. Amazingly, these two cycles precisely coincided every 10800 Earth-years, at which point exactly 5 precessional ages were completed, and exactly three orbits of Nibiru."

see following posts

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 10/19/2016, 8:16 am

8/15/2011, 5:15 pm Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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Re: comets / ELEnin / Nibiru

follow-up post

after reading the most interesting parts of Alford's Gods of the New Millennium a few things stand out i'd like to go into a bit further.

To my astonishment Alford actually sticks to the idea that Nibiru has a cycle of 3600 (Earth orbit) years. I have no idea how he can do this. He himself comes up with how the sexigesimal 3600 should be translated to the decimal 2160 but somehow he doesn't choose to apply that to Nibiru's orbit.

I think somewhere along the line he lost sight of the big picture. For one, this whole precessional cycle of the heavens, our zodiac, must be based on Nibiru's orbit and FOR THAT REASON been divided into 12 parts. You could divide the heaven into 5, 15, 100, 57, 13 [actually something Nostradamus did], or whatever number you choose, parts. There are billions of stars in the sky, why divide them by 12 unless that suits your needs? The answer could lie in something mundane like Anunnaki have 12 fingers, could not, but the point is that using the sexigesimal system and coming up with some kind of non-decimal 3600 wasn't random but functional. I'm guessing it was concocted because it worked out well to help determine Nibiru's course and orbit and time-table in relation to Earth's.
Let's face it, we determine most time by the orbit of our Earth around our Sun so why suppose Nibiru's orbit isn't fundamental to the Anunnaki, at least for the Anunnaki on Earth?

Another thing comes to mind. Our decimal system itself is random. We could count to 9 instead of 10 and go
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ...10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,20,21,22,23, etc, etc, etc and then 87,88,100 etc. and then 888,1000,1001.....
You can base your mathematical system on any other number than 10. You could add more:
one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,blurp,kpow,zblap and then eightteen, nineteen, blurpteen, kpowteen, zblapteen, twenty, etc. etc. etc.
There is not one good reason for ASSUMING a decimal system is the only way to go and, actually, other systems might offer answers the decimal system doesn't. I wondered even when i was still at school, why don't we ALSO work with a mathematical system based on 7 instead of 10? Just like the decimal system gives us tricks like how to calculate a corner, maybe another system could give us a nice round number for calculating circles, for instance, instead of stooping to pi = 3.14..... and then endless numbers behind the point to APPROXIMATE the size of a circle, but that such a system might NOT give us nice corner values or such. How about square values? I never understood why i never heard of mathematicians working with other mathematical models.
Well, i'm not a mathematician, maybe some do. One example is the English/American idiot inch/mile system of length measurement but you can come up with endless systems and if you work out the details enough they'll start working for you at some point, that's just a matter of time and energy.

Anyway, so this sexigesimal system the Sumerians/Anunnaki apparently worked with could simply have been devised to suit the mathematical calculations necessary to deal with Nibiru. It works with alternating 10's and 6's. Why not 10's and 5's? 10's and 4's? 10's and 24's? 5's and 24's? 6's and 9's and 13's?
You can think up any kind of mathematical system and maybe you can make up one that suits certain needs. Hell, maybe someone could've come up with an even better system but what the Anunnaki came up with is all we know of.

The point is that the basis for their system must've undoubtably been Nibiru's orbit. That's where a mathematician would work from. So why would one ever assume that the length of the precessional cycle has nothing to do with the orbit of Nibiru? OF COURSE THEY'RE CONNECTED! That would be the whole point of making such a system, to connect the orbit of Nibiru, via the heavenly precession, to Earth's orbit.
And that means that if Alford is right that 3600 has to be translated to 2160, that it also applies to Nibiru's orbit. No! It ESPECIALLY applies to Nibiru's orbit!

And i hold to my previous argument that 3600 is too neat a number. There's got to be a reason for so neat a number. I'm not a believer in coincidence. 2160 or 2148 is much more convincing. 3600 is the result of contriving a mathematical system that connects the zodiac precession with Nibiru's and Earth's orbits and of course that means that one of the two values is neat. Since Nibiru's orbit is the basis for the whole system, it's logical that it is this neat 60 x 60 value [in a system of alternating 6's and 10's...] and that the precessional cycle is this exactly 500 x 2160 number or whatever. 3600 is obviously an index # and to understand it's value you have to let go of the idea of Earth orbits because Earth orbits have basically no direct relation to Nibiru's orbit and the precessional cycle. How you measure the precessional cycle has everything to do with connecting Nibiru's cycle/orbit to Earth's. The Nibiruan year is determined through the sexigesimal system in relation to the great galactic zodiac year and 2160 is related to it like 3 and 4 are related to 12.
(I may have made a mistake in that reasoning that i'll come back to later. Complicated !@#$!)

Frankly i'm disappointed in Alford for missing this. He uses his translation of 3600 to 2160 to account for all kinds of chronological missing links and comes up with amazing answers and insights and then seems to forget all that and allow Nibiru's orbit to remain 3600 years. Weird. I'm going to write to him about it.
(Email address in the back of the book )

Why did the Anunnaki and their descendents make things like Stonehenge? They are what we have of these people. Why were they built, why were they so important?
The answer is that even the Anunnaki were not able to make an almanac that could predict heavenly motions so they could just read the results off of a list for the next couple of thousand years. They are important measuring constructs. Cosmic variances made it necessary for them to keep a close eye on the heavens. Since the cosmic precession of the skies is now 2148 years and no longer 2160 years, this proves sensible. Space is mysterious and was apparently even mysterious to the Anunnaki who could not predict all of its movements so they needed these elaborate constructs like machu pichu.
So measurement of the celestial cycles was extremely important to the Anunnaki people. No wonder if doomsday comes along every 4296 years! In that case you'd really like to know EXACTLY when it's coming. The Anunnaki were nigh immortal and experienced Nibiru's passages again and again and they knew exactly how many Earth orbits it took for it to return.

Also see the church of critical thinking on this.

follow-up post

So what we have is a precessional cycle that lasts 25,000-something years [now: 25,556]; that's the time it takes for the galactic center to come into alignment with Earth again.
Now, the Anunnaki came to Earth, a hierarchal authoritarian tradition-ruled elite body politic; according to sources like Sitchin, they decided to divide rule over Earth among 12 of them, to each an age.
Why? That is the question. Why 12?

The answer is ultimately simple and explains why an age lasts about 2160 years to begin with.
They could have divided the galactic year in 100 parts, or any number, why 12?
Because 12 is the times that Nibiru passes Earth during the time it takes Earth to realign with the galactic center.

The zodiac was created BY the Anunnaki. Look at it: the signs in the sky don't look like the stars they're drawn around at all. They're just a few dots that make up a zodiac sign. The signs have significance and the number of them have the significance that Nibiru comes by every time a sign changes.
Look at Sagitarius and Scorpio, how their arrows [the archer's arrowpoint and the scorpion's tail] point to the galactic center; the signs have meaning.

They divided 25,000 something by 12 because of the time it takes Nibiru to come by Earth, the planet they were on and upon which they created their taking-turns aeon politics.

I'm getting the idea, by now, that the coming of Nibiru, a 13,000 [half of the 25,000+ cycle] galactic superwave occurance, and the one-time Great Flood are all in a great mix that makes it hard to make sense of what's been going on in the last 13,000 years.
Calculated guesses are all we might be able to hope for but knowing that we aren't stuck to the number 12, i.e. the Anunnaki-made zodiac, is a good place to start, i think.

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 10/19/2016, 8:12 am

8/15/2011, 5:20 pm Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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sightings of Nibiru/Elenin and the gravity of the situation

Someone i've been emailing with (and who wishes to survive) sent me this link: this Google doc

I like how it starts: there is no such thing as gravity...
It goes into the science and known orbital sightings; i just started reading but it sounds right so far.

If Elenin/Nibiru really gets as bad as this article suggests, then my vision WAS of it coming by, probably. It would also explain the loss of gravity i experienced in that vision, which i didn't even mention because i thought that was INSANE and that it must therefore have just been the terrible winds creating the effect of losing gravity...

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 8/16/2011, 6:48 am

8/16/2011, 6:23 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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Re: comets / ELEnin / Nibiru

I tried to post the following at Terral's 2012forum article ELE Dwarf Star Research Link List but i was notified that a moderator would decide if my post were allowed...

It's confusing: magnetic pole reversals, sun spot cycles, Nibiru's orbit, ice age cycles, the galactic equinox and galactic superwaves, the Great Flood...

I have put up a 15 minute vid on my YouTube channel putting the pieces together.
I've been writing about this stuff for years here (until i was banned forever), presenting articles like 10,876 BC...6,580 BC...2,284 BC...2012 AD: It's Our Turn Now.
Now even NASA is issuing warning and their Jet Propulsion Laboratory is showing us how close to the Earth Nibiru is going to come, you can know that you're about to take part in another destructive cycle, the same kind that wiped out our ancestors time and again. (No, they weren't stupid, they got thrown on their collective asses every once in a while!)

It turns out that the vision i had that i posted here in March 2008 is going to come out exactly as i experienced it. Hell, i even didn't tell the whole story of the vision back then because it seemed too far out to ever be possible, but what i'm reading here is telling me that it was right on: Nibiru [the Red Dwarf] will become an immense sphere in the sky and it will feel like we're falling into it. We'll actually feel it's gravity here on Earth.

I've been preparing for this my entire life. My preparations can be found on my my board.

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 8/17/2011, 7:01 am

8/17/2011, 6:59 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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name, chart and other vid


95 min YouTube vid on elenin: this guy says the name is [17 minutes into the vid]:
Leo = constellation in which it was found/is
NID = National Institute of Defense
ELE = Extinction Level Event
NIN = Near Impact Nibiru [others say "Nibiru in November]

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 8/31/2012, 5:53 pm

8/19/2011, 9:41 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog

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