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losing weight


6/22/2011, 9:16 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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David Wolfe talking about the importance of drinking water, for losing weight, as well.
Just 1 minute 20 seconds, but impressive.

2/23/2012, 1:05 pm Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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bullsh!t weight loss ideas

Evidence shows diet soda is not a healthy weight loss product
There is plenty of evidence to suggest that these diet sodas are harmful to human health. According to Sharon Fowler, MPH, an authority on this subject, "Diet soda is not a health food. In fact, it's not a food at all, it's simply a slurry of chemicals, a number of which may have deleterious effects on the body." Most recently diet sodas have been tied to increased risk of stroke and heart attack, and while many people drink them as an aid to weight reduction, research suggests if you drink diet soda, weight gain may be the result instead.
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The myth of the 'low-fat' diet, and why consuming healthy fats is vital to your health
fats are an absolutely vital component of any healthy diet as they aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals, as well as feed the brain, heart, liver, lungs, bones, cells and nervous system the nutrients they need to function properly.
It is widely assumed that, because they are called "fats," these substances must contribute to obesity and obesity-related illnesses like heart disease that afflict millions of people today. This is true for trans fats and certain other unhealthy fats, of course, but there are all kinds of healthy fats as well, such as coconut oil, for instance, or even animal-based fats like grass-fed butter and naturally-produced lard that promote good health.
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also see posts under HEALTH, NUTRITION, fats

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 2/28/2012, 1:23 pm

2/28/2012, 1:22 pm Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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Sprinting: The ultimate fat burning exercise
Sprinting is highly effective for fat burning. The key to getting the most out of your sprinting sessions is to perform them at 100 percent intensity.
The only thing more effective for fat loss than sprinting is sprinting uphill. Many professional athletes use this technique to reach peak physical form.
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5/26/2012, 7:15 am Link to this post Send Email to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse   Send PM to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse Blog
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Apple peel compound may help fight obesity

New Study Shows Obesity Rate Is Actually Far Worse than Previously Recognized
Body-mass index (BMI), which gauges weight in relation to height and is widely used as a measure of overweight and obesity, is to blame for flawed assessments.
Researchers compared BMI measurements to body fat percentage (using a DEXA scan, which is a FAR more accurate method to assess body fat percentage) among 1,400 people. For women, about half of those who were not classified as obese according to BMI were considered obese according to body fat. Among men, one-quarter of those not identified as obese by BMI were found to be obese by body-fat measures.
"Based on BMI, about one-third of Americans are considered obese, but when other methods of measuring obesity are used, that number may be closer to 60%."
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6/27/2012, 12:36 pm Link to this post Send Email to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse   Send PM to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse Blog
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Change your gut flora and lose weight
Obese and lean individuals have different gut flora composition. Alteration of the gut microbiota can be an important part of a weight loss program. Gut flora partly determines what you eat. People with gut dysbiosis and especially yeast overgrowth often feel sugar cravings and thereby play a part in determining dietary choices.
Minimally washed organic plants and plant products, fermented foods and probiotic supplements are all good sources of beneficial bacteria. Prebiotics, soluble fiber that feed good bacteria, can be found in leeks, onions, apples etc.
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Also see posts under HEALTH, hygiene, bacteria, & microbes

Carbohydrates and Sugar Explained

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 6/24/2014, 2:03 pm
7/1/2012, 6:31 pm Link to this post Send Email to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse   Send PM to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse Blog
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15 Foods That Remove Belly Fat Fast

15 Surprising Foods That Fight Fat

Freelee the Banana Girl: How to get a FLAT STOMACH!! My top 10 tips

5 Foods To NEVER Eat
- whole wheat bread
- fruit juice
- sport drinks
- granola
- organic snacks/junk food

Surprise! Vitamin D Can Help or Hinder Your Weight Management
A study of more than 4,600 women age 65 and older shows that having low vitamin D levels can contribute to mild weight gain. Women who had insufficient levels of vitamin D gained about two pounds more compared to those with adequate blood levels of vitamin D during the 4.5-year long study. Those with insufficient levels also weighed more at the outset of the study
More than half of obese adolescents seeking weight loss surgery are deficient in vitamin D, according to a recent study. Eight percent were found to have severe deficiencies, and teens with the highest BMIs were the most likely to be vitamin D deficient. Less than 20 percent had adequate vitamin D levels
Two newer vitamin D tests, designed to be faster and less expensive than previous tests, appear to be inaccurate more than 40 percent of the time, according to preliminary study findings. The Abbott Architect test produced results that were either 25% too high or too low, about 40% of the time. The Siemens Centaur2 test was either too high or too low in 48% of samples, compared to a previously established vitamin D testing method
An inexpensive and convenient way to get your vitamin D levels tested on a regular basis is to join the GrassrootsHealth D*Action Project, which provides accurate home-testing kits

The top 10 best foods for burning belly fat
1. Apples
2. Watermelons
3. Tomatoes
4. Bananas
5. Seafood
6. Lamb
7. Tart cherries
8. Celery
9. Avocados
10. Kelp noodles

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also see Why drinking alcohol makes you fat

The Hidden Reason You Get Flabby (Not Calories or Lack of Exercise)
you can have the same amount of calories from fructose or glucose, fructose and protein, or fructose and fat, but the metabolic effect will be entirely different despite the identical calorie count. This is largely because different nutrients provoke different hormonal responses, and those hormonal responses determine, among other things, how much fat you accumulate. The average American consumes 1/3 of a pound of sugar a day. That's five ounces or 150 grams, half of which is fructose, which is 300 percent more than the amount that will trigger biochemical havoc. And many Americans consume more than twice that amount! Thanks to the excellent work of researchers like Dr. Robert Lustig, as well as Dr. Richard Johnson, we now know that fructose:
•Is metabolized differently from glucose, with the majority being turned directly into fat
•Tricks your body into gaining weight by fooling your metabolism, as it turns off your body's appetite-control system. Fructose does not appropriately stimulate insulin, which in turn does not suppress ghrelin (the "hunger hormone") and doesn't stimulate leptin (the "satiety hormone"), which together result in your eating more and developing insulin resistance.
•Rapidly leads to weight gain and abdominal obesity ("beer belly"), decreased HDL, increased LDL, elevated triglycerides, elevated blood sugar, and high blood pressure—i.e., classic metabolic syndrome.
•Over time leads to insulin resistance, which is not only an underlying factor of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, but also many cancers.
This is why the idea that you can lose weight by counting calories simply doesn't work.
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Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 11/12/2015, 6:20 pm
8/22/2012, 7:19 am Link to this post Send Email to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse   Send PM to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse Blog
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End your battle with bloating: Eat these four foods daily
- Papaya
- Oatmeal
- Yogurt
- Asparagus
9/8/2012, 2:21 pm Link to this post Send Email to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse   Send PM to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse Blog
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coconut oil

Mercola website & article
A study has shown that dietary supplementation with coconut oil may result in a reduction in waist circumference and other benefits.
A randomized, double-blind clinical trial of 40 women divided them into two groups -- one that received daily dietary supplements of soybean oil (group S) and another than received a similar amount of coconut oil (group C). Both groups were instructed to follow a balanced hypocaloric diet and to walk for 50 minutes each day.
According to the study,
“[After one week,] only group C exhibited a reduction in [waist circumference] ... Group S presented an increase ... in total cholesterol, LDL and LDL:HDL ratio, whilst HDL diminished ... Such alterations were not observed in group C. It appears that dietetic supplementation with coconut oil does not cause dyslipidemia and seems to promote a reduction in abdominal obesity.”

Some sources suggest that butter from gras-fed cows has almost all of the health-promoting properties of coconut oil.

According to Tony Pantelleresco 6 drops of iodine taken with coconut (or other) oil in the course of the day will cause dramatic weight loss.
5/28/2013, 10:10 am Link to this post Send Email to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse   Send PM to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse Blog
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Atom Bergstrom: the fat cell can blow up to 1000 times in size through trapping gas. Yawning allows this gas to be released. Yawning in the morning, waking up naturally, is a very healthy way to lose weight. Also it releases stress, i.e. excess pressure in cells, which puts stress on the body.
Getting to bed early, waking up naturally, helps release stress and endocrine issues and helps lose weight.
8/31/2013, 3:50 pm Link to this post Send Email to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse   Send PM to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse Blog

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