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TEOMCROTE = TEOTWAWKI on steroids! The End Of Mankind's Current Reign Over The Earth takes into account that our ancestors were neither suicidal, stupid, nor our genetic inferiors but still wound up getting wiped off the Earth. Whereas CSER [ Centre for Study of Existential Risk] tries to PREVENT this dispensation from coming to an end, TEOMCROTE works from the eventuality/possibility/probability that the end our age takes place and what to do then       Sign up (learn about it) | Sign in (lost password?)

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more on LoA

The Secret of Deliberate Creation and How to Make Your Mind a Money Magnet Ebook

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 4/24/2012, 6:12 am

8/1/2011, 10:54 pm Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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LoA lies

Five lies personal growth gurus love to tell
Lie #1: You can have anything you want
Lie #2: Change is easy
Lie #3: Mastery comes quickly
Lie #4: The mind can be programmed to succeed
Lie #5: All you need to do is...
follow link to read the rest

Also see: The law of attraction: Is it time for this sacred cow to die?
1. Focus on what you want and pay attention to your personal ecology.
2. Tap into resources.
3. Work your butt off.
4. Keep your eyes and ears open.
follow link to read the article

Last edited by TheLivingShadow, 2/17/2012, 8:22 am

2/11/2012, 6:14 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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manifesting health, disease, success, and failure

Gregg Braden walks us through the scientific proof that 'The Field' exists, a field that stretches out kilometers from every person.
3 Chinese practioners in a "medicineless hospital" heal a woman of cancer in 2 minutes 40 seconds by feeling from the understanding that she is already healed of said cancer. They say they have already successfully treated 180 different KINDS of diseases in this fashion.
Braden then continues to the scientific research done to prove the existence of this field (that these Chinese are working with).

In order to understand the above, it should be clear that Matsuro Emoto has shown how water [especially, i should say] assumes forms in line with emotions put into it. This is so important because we consist, physically, of 70% water.

Daniel Vitalis explains that water is unique in that it is a liquid crystal. Also, he tells that it (therefore) conveys information extremely well. In fact, he says scientists are working on computer chips that use water (instead of silicon) to store information.Image

With all of this water holding information and serving as the physical manifestation of desire, emotion, and intent,, it's important to realize that there are other (chemical) elements part of the process of emotions manifesting themselves in our lives (and bodies). Then we come to hormones.
Most people ASSUME that their emotions stem mainly from their 'character', mood, or some purely psychological factors. Understanding of hormones makes it clear that there are strong physiological forces influencing and determining how we feel. These feelings in turn can (strongly) influence/determine what emotions we feel or how we think about things. Our emotions have a lot to do with how (most) people think about themselves, situations, and the world at large. So the hormones in our body have a lot to do with how people experience life. This in turn has a lot to do with what people THEN are putting 'out there' about life (or their expectations about life).
Liver flushes, then, become an example of powerful things one can do to influence one's emotions, peace, and state of mind because the liver contains the (bad) estrogens causing havoc. It's just one example of how a purely physiological source can effect your emotions (and the extreme change from one day to the next is something i've experience firsthand).

Hormones and emotions, of course, ALSO work in concert with what the mind is CONSCIOUSLY putting out. This is where meditation and prayer can play a role in one's life. What are you putting out there? A 'God' or universe that is benevolent and WILL save you or forces that don't NEED to save you because the cards are ALREADY stacked in your favor? This is where the Law of Attraction talk of gratitude comes in.

Will good water save you from negative thoughts? No. But bad water can trigger negative emotions, making it extremely difficult to maintain supportive thoughts, emotions, and states of mind that in turn produce more of the same.
You ARE an incarnated being. You simply HAVE physical and physiological aspects to this (incarnated) life. Living an appropriately healthy lifestyle that is supported by appropriate attitudes and disciplines [whatever works for you] simply serves to express the 'divinity' already part of who and what you are.

see also Bruce Lipton on biology and intent

4/24/2012, 9:44 am Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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7/14/2012, 7:29 pm Link to this post Send Email to TheLivingShadow   Send PM to TheLivingShadow Blog
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Hicks / Abraham

7/16/2012, 12:44 pm Link to this post Send Email to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse   Send PM to TheDoctorIsInTheHouse Blog

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